Saturday, 14 March 2020

Nios solved assignment | nios 12th class assignment solved 2019-20 pdf

Nios solved assignment 2019-2020
We Provide (Tutor marked Assignment-TMA)Assignment 2019-20. We have All subjects Solved TMA for 10th & 12th class, (Hindi & English Medium) and Ignou University Solved (B.A,, M.A, & more subject).
Mr. Santosh Kumar Offering nios 12th class assignment solved pdf and Nios solved assignment for October examination.NIOS Solved Assignment 2019-20 for 10th & 12th class 2019-20  All subject with Project Work (Including Question 6) ECopy PDF file. It is computerized typing format. This is Automatically Downloaded Assignment after payment successfully. If Any problem Regarding Assignment call me – 7992278944, 9582489391 or join whatsapp.

 Download nios tma answers 2019-20

Our website Offering Online Nios solved Assignment for April/October Examination 2020.You Can Download Current Session Solved Assignments . These assignments are for those students who will Participate in the Exam in April 2020 and October 2020 . You can Download assignment directly from my website.
First visit our website :
Contact us to Mr. Santosh kumar – 9716138286, 8809484815 (join WhatsApp)
NIOS Secondary Course, Senior Secondary Course (All subjects TMA) 
·         Hindi (201) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         English (202) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Sanskrit (209) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Mathematics (211) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Science and Technology (212) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Social science (213) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Economics (214) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Business Studies (215) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Home Science (216) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Psychology (222) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Indian Culture and Heritage (223) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Accountancy (224) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Painting (225) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam
·         Data Entry Operations (229) Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam 
We are a group of professionals willing to help Professional/ Academic students, who generally fight with time to prepare for further studies. We also provide Nios Guide books, practical file, Nios solved Assignment- (soft copy)/Hard copy, Admission help etc.

 MOST IMPORTANT instruction for NIos Assignment 

 Nios Tutor Marked Assignment– 20% weightage of theory would be given to Internal Assessment. The public examination would cover the remaining 80% of weightage of theory. The result of those learners, who do not submit their Assignments, would be declared on the basis of Public Examination.
Assignment for October/November Examination – 31st July 2020
You have to submit a TMA to the subject teacher at your Study Centre (AI) at a given date.If the last date so specified happens to be a public holiday/Saturday/Sunday, the next working day will automatically be treated as last date for the purpose.
·         हम आपको यहाँ Solved Assignment File PDF Format  में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय  और माध्यम  चुने  और  इसे आप download कर ले।नोट - TMA पत्र में दिए गए प्रत्येक प्रश्न के दो विकल्प हैं जिनमे से आपको  एक करना हैंयंहा हमने  एक  विकल्प का उत्तर दिया गया है साथ ही प्रोजेक्ट वर्क प्रोजेक्ट वर्क  को  भी पूरा किया हैं।

·          First visit our website :
·         Go to Nios solved Assignment category
·         Choose your subject, subject code & Medium.
·          Click to “ADD TO CARD” then continue
·          Check out
·          Fill your order form and then complete payment
·         You will received confirmation message in email. After Payment you will received Assignment in PDF Format in your email.
{Payment Mode- Net banking, cash deposit, credit card/debit card, UPI, paytm}
If you are looking for Exam preparation study materials and NIOS Sample Papers, Ignou Solved Assignment, Nios solved Assignment,Nios practical File & Nios guide book. Here our website make your study easier and provide best Exam Guidelines.

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For Offline Order Contact us-9582489391, 8809484815
Mr. Santosh kumar
Working Location:-
New Delhi ||Uttar Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | Bihar | Haryana | Karnataka | Uttarakhand | Maharashtra | Chhattisgarh | Punjab | Jammu & Kashmir |Jharkhand | Rajasthan | Himanchal Pradesh | Goa | Nepal | GUJRAT|| ODISHA|| TAMILNADU|| KERELA|| ANDHRA PRADESH||                

Friday, 6 March 2020



Online NIOS Solved Assignment/TMA with Project Work (Included Question 6) E-Copy. Latest Assignment for April /Oct. exam 2020, Assignment File download link will appear after payment instantly, also a download link will be delivered to your entered mail- id during payment process with purchase invoice.(Please typed email-id correctly). If any problem regarding Assignment call me – 7992278944, 9582489391 or join whatsapp (Any time)

visit my website : & Order Hand written Solved Assignment.
Visit my website -
We provide Nios solved tma 2019-20 (Nios Tutor marked Assignment) of Nios Open board. Dear all Nios students if you need NIOS Solved TMA Question with Answer sheet please call me or whatsaap me. -9582489391or join whatsapp.
Dear all students who appear exam for April/oct. 2020 submit Assignment and get 20% weightage of theory is given to Internal Assessment. The public examination covers remaining 80% of weightage of theory. The result of those learners who do not submit the Assignments is declared on the basis of Public Examination.
Price Details:-
Nios solved Assignment 10th class Rs.150/ subjects - (soft copy)
Nios solved Assignment 12th class (soft copy)- Rs.150/subjects
Nios solved Assignment {with Question-6} (Hard copy) for 10th & 12th class - Rs.250/subjects
We are glad to inform you that is one stop popular online shop for all your NIOS/Ignou related study materials, Sample/Model Paper, Solved Assignment and lot more.
Mr.santosh Kumar
Helpline No - 07992278944 (24*7 helpline)
Visit websit-
Email id –<>
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Working Location :-
New Delhi ||Uttar Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | Bihar | Haryana | Karnataka | Uttarakhand | Maharashtra | Chhattisgarh | Punjab | Jammu & Kashmir |Jharkhand | Rajasthan | Himanchal Pradesh | Goa | Nepal | GUJRAT|| ODISHA|| TAMILNADU|| KERELA|| ANDHRA PRADESH||

nios solved assignment 2019-2020 for October exam solved answers

Online NIOS Solved Assignment/TMA with Project Work (Included Question 6) E-Copy. Latest Assignment for April /Oct. exam 2020, Assignment File download link will appear after payment instantly, also a download link will be delivered to your entered mail- id during payment process with purchase invoice.(Please typed email-id correctly). If any problem regarding Assignment call me – 7992278944, 9582489391 or join whatsapp (Any time)
visit my website : & Order Hand written Solved Assignment.
Visit my website -
We provide Nios solved tma 2019-20 (Nios Tutor marked Assignment) of Nios Open board. Dear all Nios students if you need NIOS Solved TMA Question with Answer sheet please call me or whatsaap me. -9582489391or join whatsapp.
Dear all students who appear exam for April/oct. 2020 submit Assignment and get 20% weightage of theory is given to Internal Assessment. The public examination covers remaining 80% of weightage of theory. The result of those learners who do not submit the Assignments is declared on the basis of Public Examination.
Price Details:-
Nios solved Assignment 10th class Rs.150/ subjects - (soft copy)
Nios solved Assignment 12th class (soft copy)- Rs.150/subjects
Nios solved Assignment {with Question-6} (Hard copy) for 10th & 12th class - Rs.250/subjects
We are glad to inform you that is one stop popular online shop for all your NIOS/Ignou related study materials, Sample/Model Paper, Solved Assignment and lot more.
Mr.santosh Kumar
Helpline No - 07992278944 (24*7 helpline)
Visit websit-
Email id –<>
Flow my Blogs -
Working Location :-
New Delhi ||Uttar Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | Bihar | Haryana | Karnataka | Uttarakhand | Maharashtra | Chhattisgarh | Punjab | Jammu & Kashmir |Jharkhand | Rajasthan | Himanchal Pradesh | Goa | Nepal | GUJRAT|| ODISHA|| TAMILNADU|| KERELA|| ANDHRA PRADESH||

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

GET TMA (Tutor Mark Assignment) 2019-20

Get The best Assignment are now available in All India at Fixed rates and we also send through Email or whatsaap minimum time. We guaranteed the low possible price availability and 100% complete customer satisfaction. We are the Genuine service provider for Nios Assignment Answer and Nios Guide books.
GET TMA (Tutor Mark Assignment) 2019-20. We are providing solved Assignments of (NIOS, IGNOU) current session for 10TH, 12TH Both Hindi and English medium.
Based on New Syllabus and Question Pattern with Answers. You can get it within 5 min. anywhere in the World.

Rs. 300/- Subject for Assignment (NIOS Hard copy) + Rs.100 courier charge
Rs. 150/- Subject for Assignment (NIOS Soft copy)

Please get in touch with us for order. We are a group of professional willing to help professional students, who generally fighting with time to prepare for further studies

आर्डर करें 

Working Locations:

New Delhi ||Uttar Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | Bihar | Haryana | Karnataka | Jharakhand | Maharashtra | Chhattisgarh | Punjab | Jammu & Kashmir |Jharkhand | Rajasthan | Himanchal Pradesh | Goa | Nepal | GUJRAT|| ODISHA|| TAMILNADU|| KERELA|| ANDHRA PRADESH||

Thursday, 20 February 2020


Online nios Solved Assignment 2019-20 All subjects.Get The best Assignment are now available in All India at Fixed rates and we also send through Email or whatsaap minimum time. We guaranteed the low possible price availability and 100% complete customer satisfaction. We are the Genuine service provider for Nios Assignment Answer and Nios Guide books.

Get The best Assignment are now available in All India at Fixed rates and we also send through Email or whatsaap minimum time. We guaranteed the low possible price availability and 100% complete customer satisfaction. We are the Genuine service provider for Nios Assignment Answer and Nios Guide books.
GET TMA (Tutor Mark Assignment) 2019-20. We are providing solved Assignments of (NIOS, IGNOU) current session for 10TH, 12TH Both Hindi and English medium.
Based on New Syllabus and Question Pattern with Answers. You can get it within 5 min. anywhere in the World.

Rs. 300/- Subject for Assignment (NIOS Hard copy) + Rs.100 courier charge
Rs. 150/- Subject for Assignment (NIOS Soft copy)

Please get in touch with us for order. We are a group of professional willing to help professional students, who generally fighting with time to prepare for further studies
We are also provided Assignment Support, Model paper or sample paper Support of NIOS board for (10th Class).

Delivery: Solved Assignments will be sent to your email id or Address instantly after confirmation of payment as per your demand.

Working Locations:
New Delhi ||Uttar Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | Bihar | Haryana | Karnataka | Jharakhand | Maharashtra | Chhattisgarh | Punjab | Jammu & Kashmir |Jharkhand | Rajasthan | Himanchal Pradesh | Goa | Nepal | GUJRAT|| ODISHA|| TAMILNADU|| KERELA|| ANDHRA PRADESH||

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Nios Tutor Marked Assignment for 12th class 2020-21 All subject

Nios TUTOR MARKED Assignment for 12th class 2020-21 TMA All subjects

Now Download, Nios Solved Assignment (2020-21) , Nios tutor marked Assignment-Hand written copy or soft copy in pdf  Format, contact us -or join whatsapp ,hurry Up!

Contact us -9582489391,8809484815 (Mr.SANTOSH KUMAR)

अंग्रेजी और हिन्दी माध्यम मे,


For Any Inquiries Call : +91 95824 89391 (join whatsApp)

you can also Pay Via  : 9582489391

Download 12th class TMA question paper

G.E.P Education
Nios Solved Assignment ENGLISH -(301)|Medium-English 2020-21
Nios Solved Assignment Hindi-(301)|Medium-Hindi 2020-21
Nios Solved Assignment PHYSICS -(312)|Medium-English 2020-21
Nios Solved Assignment PHYSICS -(312)|Medium-Hindi 2020-21
Chemistry-(313) Nios Solved Assignment |Medium-English 2020-21
Chemistry-(313) Nios Solved Assignment/TMA |Medium-Hindi 2020-21
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Solved Geography-(316) Nios Assignment (TMA) Medium-English 2020-21
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Political Science-(317) Solved Nios Assignment (TMA) Medium-English 2020-21
Political Science-(317) Solved Nios Assignment (TMA) Medium-Hindi 2020-21
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Nios Business-(319) Solved Assignment(TMA)Medium-English 2020-21
Online Nios Accountancy(320)Solved Assignment (TMA) Medium-English 2020-21
Online Nios Accountancy -(320) Solved Assignment (TMA) Medium-Hindi 2020-21
Home Science-(321) NIOS Solved Assignment (TMA) Medium-English 2020-21
Home Science-(321) NIOS Solved Assignment (TMA) Hindi-Medium 2020-21
Psychology-(328) NIOS Solved Assignment (12th class TMA) English-Medium 2020-21
Psychology-(328) NIOS Solved Assignment (12th class TMA) Hindi-Medium 2020-21
Sociology-(331) 12th Class NIOS Solved Assignment (Hindi-Medium) 2020-21
Sociology-(331) 12th Class NIOS Solved Assignment (English-Medium) 2020-21
Computer Science -(330) NIOS Solved Assignment (12th class TMA) English-Medium 2020-21
12th Class Painting-(332) NIOS Solved Assignment (English-Medium) 2020-21
12th Class Painting-(332) NIOS Solved Assignment (Hindi-Medium) 2020-21
Environmental Science-(333) NIOS Solved Assignment (English-Medium) 2020-21
Environmental Science-(333) NIOS Solved Assignment (Hindi-Medium) 2020-21
Mass Communication-(335) NIOS Solved Assignment (English-Medium) 2020-21
Mass Communication-(335) NIOS Solved Assignment (Hindi-Medium) 2020-21
Data Entry-(336) NIOS Solved Assignment (English-Medium) 2020-21
Data Entry-(336) NIOS Solved Assignment (Hindi-Medium) 202020-21
TOURISM-(337) NIOS Solved Assignment, English-Medium 2020-21
NIOS Solved Assignment TOURISM-(337), Hindi-Medium 2020-21
NIOS Introduction to Law -(338) Solved Assignment, Hindi-Medium 2020-21
NIOS Introduction to Law -(338) Solved Assignment English-Medium 2020-21

Most Important
Internal Assessment (IA) in Secondary/Sr. Senior examination will carry 20% weightage of theory as continious and comprehensive evaluation. These marks will be shown in the mark-sheet along with the marks of external examination which will carry 80% weightage in each subject. TMA is applicable for admission through Stream-I only. Assignments should be submitted before appearing in the Public Examination of the particular subject. Assignments will not accepted after passing the subject.

Disclaimer: - Growth Education Point’s is only a educational Service provider which provide career counseling/guideline and does not provide degree or certificates or not any University/school, I understood the same & agree to take services.


अगर आपने NIOS ( NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OPEN SCHOOLING) मे एडमिशन लिये हैं तो आपको सिखाने और सफल शिक्षार्थी बनाने मे आपकी सहायता के लिए राष्ट्रीय मुक्त विधालय ने कई पद्धतियाँ अपनाई हैं जिनमें से एक हैं TMA - TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT.
अतः स्ट्रीम -मे प्रवेश प्राप्त शिक्षार्थीयों के लिये TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT जमा करना आवश्यक हैं इन्हें विषय की सार्वजानिक परिक्षा मे बैठने से पहले (जमा करने की दी गयी तिथि - अप्रैल में एग्जाम देने वाले स्टूडेंट 31 जनवरी तक और अक्टूबर में एग्जाम देने वाले 31 जुलाई तक जमा करा देनी चाहिये। माध्यमिक और उच्च माध्यमिक परीक्षा में शिक्षित अंकित मूल्यांकन पत्र का भार सार्वजनिक परीक्षा मे सैद्धांतिक भाग का 20 % अंक निर्धारित किया है। इन अंको को प्रत्येक विषय की बाहय परीक्षा के अंकों के साथ अंक तालिका मे अलग से दर्शया जाता हैं।
आपको अपनी लिखावट मे अपने चुने हुए विषयों मे ही मूल्यांकन पत्र (Assignment) तैयार करने हैं। मूल्यांकन पत्र (Assignment) तैयार करने के लिये एक तरफ रेखा वाले (One side Line Page)  कागज का प्रयोग करें।
TMA 20 अंको का हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के दो विकल्प हैं जिनमे से आपको एक करना हैंयंहा हमने एक विकल्प का उत्तर दिया गया है प्रश्न 1 ,2 ,3 लघु उत्तर वाले हैं जिसके लिये 2-2 अंक (2 +2 +2 =6 ) तथा प्रश्न 4 ,5 के लिये 4 -4 अंक और प्रश्न के लिए अंक दिये गये हैं। 
पुस्तिका के अंत मे TMA जमा करने का रशीद दिया गया हैं उसे आप अपने उत्तर पुस्तिका के साथ मे संलग्न करें। और उत्तरपुस्तिका को अपने अध्ययन केंद्र (A.I)/ क्षेत्रीय केंद्र पर जमा करायें के शिक्षक को जमा कराये। 
अधिक जानकारी के लिये संपर्क करे-
Mr santosh Kumar
9582489391,7992278944 Or Join WhatsApp

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नोट - TMA पत्र में दिए गए प्रत्येक प्रश्न के दो विकल्प हैं जिनमे से आपको एक करना हैं, यंहा हमने एक विकल्प का उत्तर दिया गया है साथ ही प्रोजेक्ट वर्क प्रोजेक्ट वर्क को भी पूरा किया हैं।