NIOS Tutor Mark Assignment|Schedule of Submission of TMA for the session 2019-20
For April/May & Oct/Nov
- TMA – By Learners to Study centres – 31st January
- TMA – Feedback by the Subject Teacher to the Learner – 15th February
For October/November Exam
- TMA – By Learners to Study centres – 31st July
- TMA – Feedback by the Subject Teacher to the Learner – 15th August
As per the Notification notification No 219/2014 dated 11th July, 2014 in respect of the modalities of the Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) in Secondary and Sr. Secondary Examinations. The Study Centres (AI)will submit the awards i.e Marks online after verification. After submission the print out of the same should be sent to the respective Regional Centre for further action.
AI are requested to get the USERID and the PASSWORD from the concerned Regional centre for submission of the TMA Award.
Instructions/Steps for Online submission of the Awards i.e Marks for the TMA
- Click on the below link for Online Submission of the Marks for the TMA
- To have more authentication and secured system Regional Centre is provided with the User ID and the Password of each Study Centre of the concerned Region
- The Coordinator of the Study Centre AI will obtain the User ID and Password from the Regional Centre. (If obtained earlier i.e for earlier session then the same USERID and the Password will work which AI is using for the Submission of TMA Awards)
- To enter into the System for submission of the TMA Award Study Centre has to provide the User ID, AI NO and the Password
- Mandatory – Once you enter into the system, Kindly click on the change Password and change the Password. After changing the Password kindly keep it in a safe place so that you may remember for further use
- In case Coordinator Forget the password after changing then one has to contact the Respective Regional Centre to obtain the new Password
- Once you enter into the system the detail like Enrolmentno, Name, Subjects and Marks column will appear on the screen.
- Click the button Add from the Add Marks column.
- 12. The interface for entering the marks of that particular Learner will appear, kindly fill the marks and click the Submit Button. Before clicking the Submit Button kindly verify the marks because after submission no changes can be done
- After successful entry of the marks of all learners of your AI, kindly take the print out of the same
- On the print out kindly put your Signature and the seal of the AI and Send it to the concerned Regional Centre for further action.
- The system for entering the marks is open upto 15th oct., 2018. No Marks will be allowed to enter after 15th Oct. 2018 by the Study Centre.
- SOP for Submission of TMA Award by the Study Centre (510 KB)
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