Buy online Nios Solved Assignment for class 10th and 12th, All subjects of New Session 2021-22 are available Here.
Hello Students, We Provide Online Nios Solved Assignment, Who Enrolled in National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). If you are not able to complete your assignment then you can instantly download the Online Nios solved assignment from my website. Here you will get complete solved assignments with project work and also we follow the guidelines of the board/university to prepare the assignment. Nios TMA Assignment is a type of home task to present your answer in a study or regional center carrying 20% marks of theory papers.DOWNLOAD CLASS 10th NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT PDF 2021-22 – CLICK HERE
Nios Handwritten Solved Assignment (Ready to Submit File) 2021-22 Latest : Check Here
Perfect NIOS TMA Solutions|100% Quality Assured Answer Get Good Marks In TMA
Nios solved assignment for 12th Class-All subject In PDF
English (302) | English MEDIUM | DOWNLOAD | |
Hindi (301) | HINDI MEDIUM | DOWNLOAD | |
Sanskrit (309) | Sanskrit medium | DOWNLOAD | |
Mathematics (311) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Physics (312) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Chemistry (313) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Biology (314) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
History (315) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Geography (316) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Political Science (317) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Economics (318) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Business Studies (319) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Accountancy (320) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Home Science (321) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Psychology (328) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Sociology (331) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Painting (332) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Mass Communications (335) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Data Entry Operations (336) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Enviornmental Science (333) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Tourism (337) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Introduction to Law (338) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Early Childhood (376) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Physical Education (373) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Military History (375) | English Medium HINDI MEDIUM | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Military Studies (374) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | |
Computer Science (330) | English Medium | DOWNLOAD | |
Library & Information Science (339) | English Medium | DOWNLOAD | |
Bengali (303) | BENGLA MEDIUM | DOWNLOAD | |
Our website Offering Online Nios solved Assignment for April/October Examination . You Can Download Current Session Online Solved Assignment . These assignments are for those students who will Participate in the Exam in APRIL/October . You can download the Nios assignment solution from the link given below.
Nios solved Assignment for 10th class-All subjects in PDF
Hindi (201) | HINDI MEDIUM | DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
English (202) | English Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Sanskrit (209) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Mathematics (211) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Science and Technology (212) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Social science (213) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Economics (214) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Home Science (216) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Psychology (222) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Indian Culture and Heritage (223) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Accountancy (224) | English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Painting (225) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Data Entry Operations (229) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Hindustani Music (242) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Carnatic Music (243) | HINDI MEDIUM English Medium | DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Veda Adhyayan (245) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Sanskrit Vyakarana (246) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Bharatiya Darshan (247) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
Sanskrit Sahitya (248) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2021-22 |
We are a group of professionals willing to help Professional/ Academic students, who generally fight with time to prepare for further studies. We also provide Nios Guide books, practical file, Nios solved Assignment- (soft copy)/Hard copy, Admission help etc.
Schedule of Submission of TMA for the Session 2022
For April/May Exam
| For October/November Exam
Where would he/she submit the TMA?
Ans. A leaner can submit TMAs at following places: All TMAs are to be submitted by learners at the allotted Study Centres. In case, a Study Centre is non functional, TMA can be submitted at the concerned Regional Centre and the same may be got evaluated by RC. In case any Study Centre is closed because of some reasons, TMA will be submitted at the newly allotted Study Centre. Evaluation will also be done by the same Study Centre.
If a learner does not submit TMA before examination will he/she be allowed to appear in examination.
Ans. Yes. The learner will be allowed to appear in the examination. However, it will put the learner at disadvantageous position. He/She will get zero marks in TMA. Hence, it is advisable to submit TMA.
What Happened If I can’t Submit Nios TMA On Due Date?
Ans : In case a learner could not submit Tutor Marked Assignment on time at the Study Centre such learner may submit the Assignments along with late fee of Rs. 1500/- per subject after due date and after declaration of result till 15th July for April examination and till 15th January for October-November examination at concerned Regional.
What happens if TMA not submitted?
Ans. ABSENT is marked in the marksheet if the assignments are not submitted on time in the column for grades of TMAs. … The prize of the TMAs at Secondary/Senior Secondary Courses will be in grades, which will not be considered for overall weightage in the Public Examination.
How to Prepare NIOS Tutor Mark Assignment (TMA) File
- Step : 1 ( You have to Take A4 Size File Pages )
- Step : 2 ( Page Should be One Side Ruled & One Side Blank)
- Step : 3 ( Open Your TUTOR MARK ASSIGNMENT Book or PDF)
- Step : 4 ( Now You Have to Make TMA FILE of Those Subjects Which is You Have Already Selected At the Time of Admission )
- If you need any help creating the file, please contact us.
What is TMA marks in Nios?
Ans : Internal Assessment (IA) including Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) in Secondary and Senior Secondary Examinations will carry 20% weightage in the External Examination and the marks will be shown separately and added to the marks obtained in the External Theory Examination and Practicals (wherever applicable).
जिन विधार्थियों का March-April मे एग्जाम हैं वह अपना असाइनमेंट कम्प्लीट कर लें। हम आपको बता दे की निओस का असाइनमेंट सबमिट करने का डेट (Last Date) फिक्स रहता हैं’ जो की 31 January 2022 हैं। अगर किसी का स्टडी सेंटर किसी कारण बंद हो गया हो तो वह घबरायें नहीं, वह अपना असाइनमेंट फाइल अपने रीजनल सेंटर स्पीड पोस्ट कर सकते है या विजिट कर अपना असाइनमेंट फाइल जमा कर सकते हैं।
For Xth class Online Solved Assignment Click Here : Download
निओस असाइनमेंट Question पेपर पे उपलब्ध हैं। आप अपना Assignment Question Paper Download कर लें। और Question को ध्यान से पढ़े और बुक्स मे Answer ढूंढ़ने का प्रयास करें। अगर आपको आंसर ढूंढने मे कठिनाई होता हो तो आपके लिये हम लाये है 10th और 12th क्लास के Nios Solved Assignment जो chargeable हैं। आप नीचे subjects लिस्ट देख सकते हैं यँहा आपको अपने और अपने दोस्तों के लिये भी सभी subjects के assignment Answer मिल जायेंगे। फिर भी अगर कोई सब्जेक्ट्स लिस्ट में डालना भूल गया हूँ तो आप मुझे कॉल या व्हाट्सप्प कर दें ताकि मैं उसे भी लिस्ट से जोड़ सकूँ।
For XIIth class Online Solved Assignment Click Here : Download
Nios Handwritten solved Assignment 2021-22
निओस (NIOS) और इग्नू (IGNOU) के लिखा हुआ असाइनमेंट (Handwritten Assignment) लेने के लिए आप हमारे वेबसाइट से आर्डर कर सकते हैं। हम आपको काम से कम समय मे निओस (NIOS) असाइनमेंट फ़ाइल प्रोजेक्ट वर्क के साथ पूरा करके देंगें। हम इंडिया के सभी क्षेत्र में इंडियन पोस्ट और प्राइवेट कुरियर के माध्यम से पहुँचाते हैं।
Why You Should Take NIOS Handwritten Solved Assignments:
- If you are a working person & you have No Proper time to Write Assignment .
- Or If you are house wife and you have no enough time
- If you are Pursuing More than one course If you are in emergency cases And an unable to write Assignment.
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